Linear stability analysis

10 minute read


We can also benchmark our result with linear stability analysis.

Linear stability analysis is a mathematical method used to study the stability of a system by examining small perturbations from an equilibrium or steady state.

We expand the governing equations with a z-dependent term and an (x, z, t) dependent perturbation,

\[\phi= \phi_0(z) +\phi_1(x,z,t)\\ P= P_0(z) +P_1(x,z,t)\\ \chi= \chi_0(z) +\chi_1(x,z,t)\\ v= w_0(z) +v_1(x,z,t)\\\]

The base state of governing equations are

\[0=P_0+\chi_0\] \[{d \over dz}(\phi_0 w_0) = M \chi_0\] \[\phi_0 w_0 = K_0 [1-S {dP_0 \over dz}]\] \[\phi_0 w_0 [{1\over Da} {d \chi_0 \over dz}-1]=-\chi_0\]

Since M «1, we can get,

\[-P_0 =\chi_0=\phi_0 =w_0 =1\]

Governing equations for perturbations

The governing equations for perturbations can be written as,

\[{\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} = P_1 + \chi_1\] \[M {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} + \phi_0 \nabla \cdot v_l + w_0 {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} =M\chi_1\] \[\phi_0 v_1 = -SK_0 \nabla P_1 + (n-1)w_0 \phi_1 z\] \[(\phi_0 w_1 +\phi_1 w_0) ({1 \over Da} {d\chi_0 \over dz} - 1) + {\phi_0 w_0 \over Da} {\partial \chi_1 \over dz} = {\phi_0 \over DaPe} {\partial^2 \chi_1\over \partial x}-\chi_1\]

We eliminate \(\chi_1\) using eq(7) and \(v_1\) using eq(9).

Eq (8) becomes,

\[M (P_1+\chi_1) + \phi_0 \nabla \cdot ({-SK_0 \over \phi_0} \nabla P_1 + (n-1)w_0 {\phi_1 \over \phi_0} z) + w_0 {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} =M\chi_1\] \[-SK_0\nabla P_1^2 + (n-1)w_0 {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} + w_0 {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} = -M P_1\] \[-SK_0\nabla P_1^2 + nw_0 {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} = -M P_1\]

Then we simplify eq(10) and get,

\[(\phi_0 w_1 +\phi_1 w_0) ({1 \over Da} {d\chi_0 \over dz} - 1) =(-{\phi_0 w_0 \over Da} {\partial \over \partial z}+{\phi_0 \over DaPe} {\partial^2 \over \partial x}-1)({\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} - P_1 )\]

From the base state eq(5), we get \({1\over Da} {d \chi_0 \over dz}-1={-\chi_0 \over \phi_0 w_0 }\).

\[(\phi_0 w_1 +\phi_1 w_0) ({-\chi_0 \over \phi_0 w_0 }) =(-{\phi_0 w_0 \over Da} {\partial \over \partial z}+{\phi_0 \over DaPe} {\partial^2 \over \partial x}-1)({\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} - P_1 )\]

\(w_1\) is the vertical component of \(v_1\), so \(\phi_0 w_1\) =\(\phi_0 v_1 \hat{z}\) = \(-SK_0 {\partial P_1 \over \partial z} + (n-1)w_0 \phi_1\)

\[\phi_0 w_1 + \phi_1 w_0 = -SK_0 {\partial P_1 \over \partial z} + (n-1)w_0 \phi_1+\phi_1 w_0 = SK_0 {\partial P_1 \over \partial z} + nw_0 \phi_1\]

eq(15) becomes,

\[(-SK_0 {\partial P_1 \over \partial z} + nw_0 \phi_1) ({-\chi_0 \over \phi_0 w_0 }) =(-{\phi_0 w_0 \over Da} {\partial \over \partial z}+ {\phi_0 \over DaPe} {\partial^2 \over \partial x}-1)({\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} - P_1 )\]

Perturbation Pressure

we substitute the constant base state, neglect the \(O(M)\) term, eliminate \(\chi_1\), and obtain,

\[[{1\over Da} \partial _{tz} - {1 \over Da Pe} \partial_{txx} + \partial_t -n] \nabla^2 P_1 = {n \over S}[({1\over Da} -S)\partial_z -{1 \over Da Pe} \partial_{xx} +1] \partial_z P_1\]

We seek normal-mode solution \(P_1\) is proportional to \(exp(\sigma t +ikx +m_jz)\), where the \(\sigma\) is the growth rate and the k is a horizontal wavenumber.

\[[{1\over Da} \sigma m - {1 \over Da Pe} \sigma (ik)^2+ \sigma -n] (m^2-k^2)e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz} = {n \over S}[({1\over Da} -S)m -{1 \over Da Pe} (ik)^2 +1] m e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz}\]

Eq(19) becomes,

\[[{\sigma m\over Da} + {\sigma k^2 \over Da Pe} + \sigma -n] (m^2-k^2) = {n \over S}[{m\over Da} -Sm +{k^2 \over Da Pe} +1] m\]

We set \(\mathcal{K}=1+{k^2 \over Da Pe}\),

\[[{\sigma m\over Da} + \sigma \mathcal{K} - n] (m^2-k^2) = {n \over S}[{m\over Da} -Sm +\mathcal{K}] m\]

Then we can get the characteristic polynomial,

\[{\sigma \over Da} m^{3} + (\sigma \mathcal{K} - {n \over {Da\mathcal{S}}})m^{2} - ({n \mathcal{K} \over \mathcal{S}} + {\sigma \over Da} k^{2})m+ (n-\sigma \mathcal{K})k^{2}=0,\]

Eq(22) has three roots \(m_j\) (j=1,2,3), and hence the compaction pressure perturbation will be given by

\[P_1=\mathop{\sum }_{j=1}^{3} A_j\exp (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}t+\text{i}kx+m_{j}z)\]

The coefficient prefactors \(A_j\) could be determined by the boundary conditions.

Proper boundary conditions are,

\[P_1 =0, {\partial P_1 \over \partial z} =0, (z =0)\] \[{\partial P_1 \over \partial z} =0, (z =1)\]

With \(P_1 =0\) at \(z=0\), we get,

\[A_1 e^{\sigma t +ikx}+A_2 e^{\sigma t +ikx}+A_3 e^{\sigma t +ikx}=0\]

With \({\partial P_1 \over \partial z} =0\), at \(z =0\),

\[m_1A_1 e^{\sigma t +ikx}+m_2 A_2 e^{\sigma t +ikx}+m_3 A_3 e^{\sigma t +ikx}=0\]

With \({\partial P_1 \over \partial z} =0\), at \(z =1\),

\[m_1 A_1 e^{\sigma t +ikx+m_1}+m_2 A_2 e^{\sigma t +ikx+m_2}+m_2 A_2 e^{\sigma t +ikx+m_2}=0\]

These can be explained in matrix as,

\[\begin{eqnarray} \left(\begin{array}{@{}ccc@{}}1 & 1 & 1\\ m_{1} & m_{2} & m_{3}\\ m_{1}\text{e}^{m_{1}} & m_{2}\text{e}^{m_{2}} & m_{3}\text{e}^{m_{3}}\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{@{}c@{}}A_{1}\\ A_{2}\\ A_{3}\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{@{}c@{}}0\\ 0\\ 0\end{array}\right). \end{eqnarray}\]

A necessary condition for a non-trivial solution \(A_j\) to exist is that the boundary-condition matrix M has zero determinant. (i.e, det M=0)

Perturbation Porosity

We can get the porosity field using eq(13),

\[-SK_0 \sum_{j=1}^3[(m_j^2-k^2) A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz}] +n w_0 {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} = -M e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz}\]

Since \(M <<1\), we neglect the \(-MP_1\) term on the right. Eq(30) becomes,

\[{\partial \phi_1 \over \partial z} = {S K_0 \over n w_0 } (m_j^2-k^2) \sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz}\]

Since \(K_0\) and \(w_0\) is 0,

\[\phi_1 = {S \over n } {m_j^2-k^2 \over m_j} \sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz} + f(t, x)\]

The non z-dependent term could be determined by boundary condition \(\phi_1 =0\), at \(z =0\),

\[f(t, x)= {S \over n } {m_j^2-k^2 \over m_j} \sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx }\]

So, insert eq(33) to eq(32)

\[\phi_1 = {S \over n } {m_j^2-k^2 \over m_j} \sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx } (e^{m_jz} -1)\]

Perturbation undersaturation

The perturbation undersaturation field is obtained by eq(7), \({\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} = P_1 + \chi_1\),

\[\chi_1 = {\partial \phi_1 \over \partial t} - P_1 = {S \sigma\over n } {m_j^2-k^2 \over m_j} \sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx } (e^{m_jz} -1)-\sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz}\] \[\chi_1 = {S \sigma\over n } {m_j^2-k^2 \over m_j} \sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx } (e^{m_jz} -1)-\sum_{j=1}^3 A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx +m_jz}\]

The perturbation undersaturation field is,

\[\chi_1 =\sum_{j=1}^3 [ ({S \sigma\over n } {m_j^2-k^2 \over m_j} e^{m_jz} -1)-e^{m_jz}] A_j e^{\sigma t +ikx }\]

Solving with python

According to eq(23), we need to know \(A_j\), \(\sigma\), \(k\), \(m_j\) to obtain \(P_1\), while \(k\) is given to be 10.

We can use characteristic polynomial eq(22) to solve \(m_j\), and use eq (29) to solve \(A_j\). But there are two unknown parameters in eq(22), \(\sigma\) and \(m\), so the whole process is,

  1. First, we define a function \(f(\sigma)\)=0,
  2. Then put the randomly-chosen \(\sigma\) in eq(22) to solve \(m_1\), \(m_2\), \(m_3\).
  3. Calculate the determinant of M and return det M.
  4. The “fslove” tool will keep finding the right \(\sigma\) until det M=0, and then get the right \(m_1\), \(m_2\), \(m_3\).
  5. Put \(m_j\) to matrix eq(29) to get \(A_1\), \(A_2\), \(A_3\), and have the expression of \(P_1\) eq(23).

First, the package is imported

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt
import math

Define the constant value

Da = 100
Pe = 100
S = 1
n = 3
k = 10
K = 1 + pow(k,2) / (Da * Pe)

Define the polynomial eq(23) with “np.roots” and return m1, m2, m3

def root_m(sigma, Da, K, n, S, k):

    coeff = [sigma / Da,
             sigma * K - n / (Da * S),
             - n * K / S - sigma / Da * pow(k, 2),
             (n - sigma * K) * pow(k, 2)]  # set up the companion matrix for eq 3.7

    m = np.roots(coeff)  # Solve all the roots m
    m1, m2, m3 = np.array_split(m, 3)  # define m1 m2 m3
    m1 = complex(m1)  # define data type of m for M_array
    m2 = complex(m2)
    m3 = complex(m3)

    return m1, m2, m3

Define the matrix M with “np.array”.

def matrix_M(m1, m2, m3):
    M_array = np.array([[1, 1, 1],
                        [m1, m2, m3],
                        [m1 * np.exp(m1), m2 * np.exp(m2), m3 * np.exp(m3)]], dtype='complex')
    return M_array

Define the determinant of matrix M with “np.linalg.det”. It should be note that det M is purely imaginary. We need to return the imaginary part of the result.

def determinant(sigma):

    m1,m2,m3 = root_m(sigma, Da, K, n, S, k)
    M_array = matrix_M(m1, m2, m3)
    det = np.linalg.det(M_array)  # Calculate det(M)

    return det.imag

Use “opt.root_scalar” to find the sigma that makes determinant to be zero. We set a sigma scale of 2.5~2.9.

sigma = opt.root_scalar(determinant, bracket=[2.5, 2.9])  # find sigma
sigma = (sigma.root)

With the right \(\sigma\), \(m_j\), we can solve \(A_j\) by eq(29) \(\text{M} \times A_j =0\).

Here we use Singular value decomposition, if M is a \(m \times n\) matrix, we can find decomposition \(M = U \sum V^*\),

\[M = \begin{pmatrix} u1, u3, u3 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0& \sigma_3 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} v_1^* \\ v_2^* \\ v_3^* \\ \end{pmatrix}\]

Where U is an \(m\times m\) complex unitary matrix, \(U U^T =I\).

\(\sum\) is an \(m\times n\) rectangular diagonal matrix with non-negative real numbers on the diagonal, \(\sigma_i\) is the singluar value of M.

and \(V^*\) is a conjugate transpose of an \(n\times n\) complex unitary matrix, \(V V^T= I\).

We can use “u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd” to get the decomposition form. Then use “np.conj” to return the complex conjugate \(v_3\). (e.g., conjugate of complex number \(2+5j\) is \(2-5j\) )

m1,m2,m3 = root_m(sigma, Da, K, n, S, k)
M_array = matrix_M(m1, m2, m3)

def prefactorA(M_array):

    u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(M_array) 
    A = np.conj(vh[2, :])   # M * v_3 =0

    return A

Aj = prefactorA(M_array)
mj = root_m(sigma, Da, K, n, S, k)
Bj = S * (np.power(mj, 2) - pow(k, 2)) / mj / n

Create the mesh and calculate the Pressure, porosity and undersaturation.

xv = np.linspace(0, 2.0* np.pi/k, 64)
yv = np.linspace(0, 1, 64)
x, y = np.meshgrid(xv, yv)

P = np.exp(1.0j * k * x) * (Aj[0] * np.exp(mj[0] * y)+ Aj[1] * np.exp(mj[1] * y) + Aj[2] * np.exp(mj[2] * y))
P = P.real

h = np.exp(1.0j * k * x) * (Aj[0] * Bj[0] * (np.exp(mj[0] * y)-1) + Aj[1] * Bj[1] * (np.exp(mj[1] * y)-1) + Aj[2] * Bj[2] * (np.exp(mj[2] * y)-1))
h = h.real

Ch = np.exp(1.0j * k * x) * (Aj[0] * (Bj[0] * sigma * (np.exp(mj[0] * y)-1) - np.exp(mj[0] * y)) + Aj[1] * (Bj[1] * sigma * (np.exp(mj[1] * y)-1) - np.exp(mj[1] * y)) + Aj[2] * (Bj[2] * sigma * (np.exp(mj[2] * y)-1) - np.exp(mj[2] * y)))
Ch =Ch.real